Mama’s Independence Day

You know that famous speech from President Whitmore (Bill Pullman) on the movie “Independence Day” right? It ends with a captivating and emotional, “Today we celebrate our Independence day!” Well, that’s how I feel and I bet it’s how all moms feel when we got some alone time. You with me? Today I declare this Mama’s Independence Day! Oh yeah!

After a partially disappointing first Mother’s Day, where a waiter was an @$$%^7, our food was a joke, my hubs spilled a glass of water on me while I was attempting to contain what felt like Phoebe’s puppy from “Friends” and the other patrons were looking at us as if we were evil minions, I stand by the movement to make Mother’s day a day OFF for moms all over. We ended up having a good time the rest of the day, but we need our me-time every once in a while and that’s why I’m off for three days this weekend. Woo Hoo!

It was so strange packing for this weekend! You amazing mamas know what I’m talking about… For the past year I’ve been packing diapers, bottles, onesies, noisy toys, monitors, bibs, itty bitty spoons, and occasionally forgetting some of them in which you then have to improvise (moms are improv masters, btw). This time around, there was none of that! Only bathing suits, pjs, and other beach clothes. That’s it! When I walked out of my house with only one bag in hand I felt like the chains were broken. Happy dance.

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