Announcing “The Baking Corner”

The Baking Corner ColorsOctober is here and I’m super excited to announce a tasty new series called The Baking Corner! I love sharing things that bring me so much joy and in this case, the decadent smell of oven baked sweetness! In The Baking Corner we want to give you delicious, easy, baking recipes you can enjoy with your family and friends. I was that girl who always took brownies to bake sales but by no means do I call myself an avid baker. That’s why I’ve enlisted some help… Continue reading “Announcing “The Baking Corner””

La Mesa está Servida – Pizza & Pasta

PIzza hecha en casa

I LOVE Italian food. Love, Love Love it! Anything with mozzarella, basil and tomato just makes my mouth water. So why not share some absolutely delicious recipes found at Yahoo!? I’ve included a recipe for a homemade wheat pizza and some pasta with pesto sauce. I tried the pizza already and I have to say it was really tasty and light. You should try it! Plus, I love how the cooking is presented in these videos. The recipe ingredients and steps are on the video as well as on the blog entry on Yahoo! Enjoy!

Pasta al dente con pesto

A mi me FASCINA la comida Italiana. ¡Obsesión total! Mi debilidad es cualquier plato que tenga queso mozzarella, albahaca y tomate. Por eso, decidí compartir con ustedes unas recetas facilitas de comida italiana de Yahoo!: Pizza hecha en casa y Pasta con pesto. La pizza con masa integral es muy rica y no cae pesada para nada. Aún no he probado el pesto, pero lo estaré cocinando prontito. Hazle click a las imagenes para ver los videos (que están super lindos :-). Los ingredientes y los pasos a tomar estan listadosen el blog de Yahoo! y en el video. ¡Espero que lo disfruten y buen provecho!!

Thank you for reading! Gracias por leer mi blog!
