
#ThankfulNovemberSo by now you’ve probably heard a gazillion times how the month of November is dedicated to giving thanks. Well this post is no different! It’s so important to be grateful for your life and everything you have. I publicly shared those things that I’m thankful for in 140 characters or less and using the hashtag #ThankfulNovember on Facebook and Twitter on a daily basis.  (If you are not following me on either one of those social media sites you can easily do so by clicking on the links on the right column of this page). I’ve also read several of the things you are thankful for! Some are hilarious!

Well, on this post I will list all of the things that I’m thankful for. Brace yourself… some are funny, others are deep and others just plain cheesy but I mean every single one of them. They are true to who I am. Maybe these are a good reminder of some things you are grateful for. Enjoy!

  • November 6: Today I’m thankful for SLOW COOKERS. Cuts my time in the kitchen by a whopping 75% (or more!)
  • November 7: Today I’m thankful for FLATS. Comfortable & fashionable. See my favorite flats on @Pinterest here.
  • November 8: Today I’m thankful for MORNING WORKOUTS. Refreshing. It’s extra special with the videos from the @ToneItUp trainers!
  • November 9: Today I’m thankful for SOCIAL MEDIA. Keeps me up to date with friends, family, news, deals, inspiration, ideas, events, etc.
  • November 10: Today I’m thankful for FRIENDS. Both the real ones and the TV show!! LOL! My world is a better place with them in it.
  • November 11: Today I’m thankful for the MIAMI FALL WEATHER. Love the breeze, the warmth & lack of layering clothes. Island girl talking.
  • November 12: Today I’m thankful for TO DO LISTS. Can’t live without them. Crossing things out gives me pleasure. Dork? Yes. Love!
  • November 13: Today I’m thankful for WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. This is extra special when women help other women achieve their dreams!
  • November 14: Today I’m thankful for my iPHONE. Wakes me up, alerts me & entertains me. It’s my office assistant & my memory.
  • November 15: Today I’m thankful for SCENTED CANDLES. Always have them on in my house. Pick your favorite fall scent at @TheYankeeCandle
  • November 16: Today I’m thankful for LOLing! I actually don’t make noise when I laugh, but the joy that comes along with it feels great!
  • November 17: Today I’m thankful for my PUERTO RICAN ROOTS. U can take the girls from the island but u can’t take the island from the girl.
  • November 18: Today I’m thankful for the smell of HOME COOKED MEALS. Always made with lots of love. Can’t go wrong. Unless you burn it.
  • November 20: Today I’m thankful for SHARING. Laughs, stories, kindness, food, aid, prayers, support, ideas, tips, memories, love & joy.
  • November 21: Today I’m thankful for the POPPING SOUND PRODUCED BY BUBBLY BEING OPENED. Synonym for celebration & good times. Cheers!
  • November 22: Today I’m thankful for WAKING UP EVERY MORNING. I breathe. I live. I’m alive. That’s good enough for me.
  • November 23: Today I’m thankful for SUNSETS. Those colors!!! They bring out the best in the sky. It’s my daily spectacle.
  • November 24: Today i’m thankful for ANYTHING GIFT WRAPPED. The curiosity. The anticipation. I love tearing up that paper!
  • November 25: Today I’m thankful for my HUSBAND. 2 years ago on this day we started our marriage. He is more than I ever imagined possible.
  • November 26: Today I’m thankful for VACATION TIME. So much more enjoyable after working hard. Islands, snowy mountains, family time!

What do you think of my #ThankfulNovember tweets? Want to read the rest of my #ThankfulNovember messages for the rest of the month? Check back to this post or my Twitter and Facebook feeds until the end of the month.

Now… What are you thankful for? Leave your comment below or on any other social media site with #ThankfulNovember.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!!


Miss Ideas #18 – Elegant Braid | Trenza elegante


And here we have the last braid of the braids series for this season on Miss Ideas on Yahoo  We label it as an elegant braid but like every other braid we’ve done, they are very versatile. Use it at night or during the day, for work, brunch or a date. I’ll admit my arms were hurting at the end of this braid but it was definitely worth it. Plus, I was so proud that I had done it! To view the video, click on the image below. Hope you like it! If you try it at home, please let me know how it goes! You can upload your braid pics to my Facebook page HERE. To see the other braids we’ve done, click HERE. Thanks for watching!Miss_Ideas_elegant_braid_zania_titlecard

Aquí vamos con la última trenza en la serie de trenzas de la segunda temporada de Miss Ideas en Yahoo. La categorizamos como una trenza elegante, pero al igual que todas la otras, es muy versatil.  Usala de noche o de día, para el trabajo o un paseo por la ciudad.  Admito que me dolían los brazos al terminar el peinado pero tu misma te sentirás orgullosa e impresionaras a todos. Si intentas hacerte la trenza, ¡cuéntame como te quedó! Puedes poner la foto en mi página de Facebook AQUI. ¡Espero que la disfrutes! Para ver las otras trenzas haz click AQUI. ¡Gracias por ver los videos! 

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Miss Ideas #17 – Office Braid Bun| Trenza para la oficina

Let’s face it, sometimes our hair just doesn’t cooperate. This sophisticated braid bun shown on this episode of Miss Ideas on Yahoo  is an easy fix for the bad hair day blues. Just twist, snap and go! It’s great for rainy days too! Click on the image below to view the video. Thanks for watching!Miss_Ideas_Office_Braid_Bun_Titlecard

Desafortunadamente nuestro cabello no coopera con nosotras en todo momento. Por eso hay peinados como la trenza que puedes ver en éste video de Miss Ideas en Yahoo que resuelven ese mismo problemita. Con tan solo enroscar y sostener tu cabello estarás lista para tu día. Es buenísimo para los días de lluvia también. ¡Espero que disfrutes el video y gracias por verlo!

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Miss Ideas #16 – How to Make a Casual Braid | Cómo hacer una trenza casual

Wear it at the beach, wear it to school or just about anywhere! This casual braid is easy to make and practically goes with everything. The trick is to always add another small piece of hair from the top of your head to the top strand. That is what holds the braid in its place. You can do one side of your head or maybe do both for an entirely different look! Click on the image below to watch the video. Thank you so much for watching Miss Ideas on Yahoo and for reading this blog. To receive the blog posts directly in your inbox just click on the “Follow Zania.net” button located in the right column of the Homepage.Miss_Ideas_casual_Braid_titlecard

Sea para la playa o para la escuela, esta trenza es super fácil de hacer y va con todo. El truco es que siempre vayas añadiendo mas pelo al mechoncito que queda arriba. Eso es lo que sostiene la trenza. La puedes hacer a un lado de la cabeza o en los dos para un estilo diferente.  Hazle click a la imagen para ver el video. Gracias por ver Miss Ideas en Yahoo y por leer este blog! Para recibir los posts del blog en tu inbox solo hazle click al botón de la derecha que dice “Follow Zania.net” en la página principal. 

¡Gracias! Thank you!

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Miss Ideas Webisode #12 – Mantenimiento para tu auto | Maintenance for Your Car


Do you know how to change a car tire? Or how to check the oil? Well, no need to worry because Miss Ideas on Yahoo! En Español shows you how to do it with style. You’ll look like a pro and you won’t need to call any boys to help you out! Click on the image above to watch the video. With this episode we finish the first season of Miss Ideas. Hopefully we can do more soon. Please go HERE to vote for your favorite Miss Ideas video. I would love to know which one you like best! Thanks again for watching these videos and for all your support. This has been fantastic!! To receive my blog posts in your email inbox click in the +Follow button at the bottom of your screen. Thank you very much!

¿Sabes como cambiar la goma de tu carro? ¿O como chequear el aceite? Pues no te preocupes más porque Miss Ideas en Yahoo! En Español te enseña como darle mantenimiento a tu carro con estilo. Te verás como una “pro” y no tendrás que llamar a ningún chico para que te ayude. Haganle click a la imagen de arriba para ver el video. Con este episodio terminamos la primera temporada de Miss Ideas en Yahoo! En Español. Espero poder hacer más en un futuro cercano. Por favor vayan AQUI para que voten por su video favorito de Miss Ideas. ¡Me encantaría saber cual es! Mil gracias por todo el apoyo que me han brindado con ver estos episodios. Para recibir mis ‘posts’ directamente en tu inbox hazle click al botón +Follow en la parte baja de la pantalla del blog. ¡Muchisimas gracias!




Miss Ideas Webisode #9 – Organiza tus cajones | Organize Your Drawers


Do you spend a little too much time searching for your stuff in your drawers? Well, I got you covered! In this Miss Ideas video on Yahoo! En Español we show you how to make inexpensive drawer dividers. You need the following materials:

  • scissors
  • utility knife
  • cardboard
  • fabric
  • hot glue

Also, we’ve included a clip of how to fold your t-shirts easily and precisely. It is so cool and it never fails! Click on the image to watch the video. Thanks for watching!


¿Pasas demasiado tiempo rebuscando tus gavetas? Al hacer los divisores de este episodio de Miss Ideas en Yahoo! en Español podrás encontrar tus cosas mucho mas fácil. Solo necesitas:

  • tijeras
  • navaja
  • pedazo de cartón
  • tela
  • pega caliente

También te enseñamos como doblar una camiseta fácilmente. Admito que cuando lo hice me quedé anonadada. Es super preciso, fácil y ¡nunca falla! Hazle click a la imagen y verás. ¡Muchisimas gracias!

Thanks! Gracias!


Twitter: @Zaniamusic


Miss Ideas Webisode #5 – Tres formas de arreglar flores


This week’s Miss Ideas episode on Yahoo En Español teaches you how to make three different flower arrangements. One arrangement is tall, the other short and bunched up and the last consists of floating flowers. This was fun to make. For filming purposes we did not include the part where you should cut the flowers’ stems under running water. Also, you don’t have to follow the rules exactly as they appear on the screen. Those are meant to be guidelines. You can do whatever you want and get your own version of flower arrangements.

Click on the image above to view the video. To watch all of the Miss Ideas videos click here. Subscribe to my blog by clicking on the +Follow link at the bottom right of your screen to receive email alerts every time I publish a new post. Enjoy!!


En este episodio de Miss Ideas en Yahoo En Español aprenderán como hacer trés arreglos de flores sin pasar mucho trabajo. Un arreglo es alto, el otro corto y el último es con flores flotantes. Es muy lindo y moderno. Por razones de grabación, no incluimos la parte donde se deben de cortar los tallos de las flores debajo del agua. Tengan en cuenta que las instrucciones en la pantalla son guias y no necesariamente deben de seguirse al pie de la letra. Usenlo como quieran y seguramente terminarán con un arreglo muy bonito.

Hazle click a la imagen de arriba para ver el video. Para ver todos los episodios de Miss Ideas vaya aquí. Subscríbete a mi blog con hacerle click al link +Follow localizado a la derecha en la parte baja de tu monitor. Recibirás un email cada vez que publique un post nuevo. ¡Que lo disfruten!

Thank you for reading my blog! ¡Gracias por leer mi Blog!



Miss Ideas #1 Trending Video on Yahoo en Español!


Very proud to announce that thanks to you the Miss Ideas scarves webisode is the #1 trending video on Yahoo En Español! We’re soaring over #2 Ways to Cure Irritated Colons and #3 The Steve Jobs of Sex Toys! LOL! Hey, whatever works! Go Miss Ideas! Click on the image below to view the videos.

Gracias a ustedes el “webisode” de bufandas de Miss Ideas es el video #1 en Yahoo en Español! Vamos por encima de #2 Jugos e infusiones para curar el colon irritado y #3 El Steve Jobs de jugetes sexuales! JAJAJA!! Oye, no importa que, estamos #1! Arriba Miss Ideas! Házle click a la imagen para ver los videos.

Miss_Ideas_Trending_on_YahooThank you for your amazing support! ¡Muchisimas gracias por su apoyo tan increible!
