Miss Ideas #20 – Decorate with Duct Tape (Part 1) | Decora con cinta para ductos (Parte 1)

Decorate with duct tape? Yes, you read right! On this episode of Miss Ideas on Yahoo! en Español, we show you how you can personalize a frame with the use of duct tape. We found the tape at Target and Walmart. You can also get creative and cover notebooks, jars, phone cases, make wall art… Oh the possibilities are endless! Click on the image below to view the video. Next week, we’ll be showing you a bigger project you can do with this unconventional item! Stay Tuned! Thanks for reading!Decorate_with_Duct_tape_part_1_titlecard

Si, leiste correctamente. En este episodio de Miss Ideas en Yahoo en Español, verás como puedes transformar un marco con cinta para ductos. Estas cintas las encontramos en Target y Walmart. También puedes usar este método para cubrir cualquier objeto tales como libretas, frascos, el “cover” de tu teléfono o hasta hacer arte! Hazle click a la imagen de arriba para ver el video. La próxima semana te enseñaremos un proyecto mucho mas grande que hicimos usando estas mismas cintas. ¡No te lo pierdas! ¡Gracias por pasar por aquí!



Quick Tips on Buying a Cruiser Bike

May is here!

Flowers have bloomed and the air is warmer (or muggier and hotter in Miami) just in time for me to take out my new Beach Cruiser Bike!! I’m very excited because the last time I owned a bike it must have been around 1997. Since I’m a huge FRIENDS tv show fan I’ve named my bike Princess Consuela Bananahammock! If you want to know what that refers to, click here. (Paul Rudd is in that video. I adore him).

A bike is a great way to get around. You can see so much more of your community and all the while you get a nice workout and the wind is always brushing against your skin. I absolutely love the feeling of it. It reminds me of the scene in The Sound of Music when all the children and Maria are riding their bikes along the beautiful scenery of Austria. Man, how I would love to bike through there!

Princess Consuela Bananahammock Bike

Buying a Cruiser?

Cruisers differ from mountain bikes or road bikes. They are really just for cruising around a boardwalk or carrying a cute little dog in the front basket or picking up some fresh fruit at your local farmer’s market. So cute! They are not meant to be used for off-road purposes or any racing. I bought my Huffy Cruiser bike at Walmart and it was very inexpensive. For a great selection of cruisers at low prices click here. Cruisers also come in various sizes so make sure you try them out at the store. Tip: You should always be able to keep your knee slightly bent when you pedal down.

I’m so excited to bike some more!

Thanks for reading!


When was the last time you rode a bike? Do you get the same feeling of freedom and joy? Tell me all about it! Comment below. 

¿Cuando fué la última vez que corriste bicicleta? ¡Es igual de placentero para ti que para mi? ¡Cuéntame! Comentarios abajo.