Happy 2014!


2013 has been a year filled with tough yet necessary changes, mixed emotions and lots of love. I’ve seized the days, grabbed life by the horns and danced to my own tunes. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Regardless of what the future holds, feel blessed to be where you are. You are alive and breathing. I’m blessed to have the support and love of my husband and my family. I couldn’t have survived 2013 without their unconditional love.

To you, thank you for reading this blog. I love to share the things you see on these posts and I’m so lucky to have you as part of my journey. I feel like you are my army of support. Now, let’s welcome 2014 with a pop! of bubbly, that is! I wish you a spectacular 2014! Make it a good one!

Lots of love and joy!Signature_Zania