I’m back home after spending 12 days in France and Spain. Aaaahhh! No Alfie and no husband. Just me, my parents and brothers and friends. We had a blast.
I was freeeee! Free to do what I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted. No flinging of chicken nuggets, no poop smell, and no nap time logistics. Ah! That’s the life I remember. Yep! It was awesome and I had ZERO guilt. None. Nada. Zip.
Alfie stayed with my mother-in-law back in Puerto Rico while my hubby worked. Of course I missed them both everyday and I probably bored the hell out of everyone on my trip by talking about Alfie’s shenanigans all day, but I didn’t care.
Not bringing Alfie with me was a no brainer, really. Could I have taken him along? Yes I could have and I would have handled it like a pro. But all I wanted to do was take a break and be my pre-baby self again for a while and #EatDrinkSleepRepeat and explore. I wanted to wake up at whatever time I wanted. Drink coffee at a café and watch people pass by. Relax at the beach. Walk through itty bitty streets rich in history. See fields of lavender. Have great conversations in whatever language necessary. Get lost. Eat delicious food (and some not so delicious, gulp!) and share priceless moments with my family and friends. Continue reading “Zero Guilt”