Miss Ideas #14 – Renovando cojines sin coser | No Sew Cushion Covers


Si no tienes tiempo ni presupuesto para comprar un forro para tus cojines, te tenemos la solución aqui en Miss Ideas en Yahoo! Vean el video para ver como puedes hacer un forro con solo un pedazo de tela. Como decimos en Puerto Rico, ¡esto es un resuelve! ¡Que lo disfruten!  –Todavía estas a tiempo para votar por tu episodio favorito de la primera temporada AQUI. ¡Gracias!

Have you wanted to cover those ugly cushions on your couch for some time now but don’t get around to it because it’s too much money? Well, Miss Ideas on Yahoo has your perfect solution! Watch this video to learn how to make no-sew cushion covers with only some extra fabric. I hope you like it! — You still have time to vote for your favorite Miss Ideas episode from Season 1 HERE. Thanks for watching!

For more, can connect with me via Facebook. Para mas, me puedes conseguir via Facebook.



Submit your Before & After Pics

before_and_after_small_caps_zaniaHello beautiful readers!

I’m now accepting submissions for the Before & After series! I’m sure you have some projects around your home that you are super proud of! Right? Then share them here on Zania.net! I love to see what my readers are up to! You have amazing and innovative ideas that I’m sure would impress the followers of this blog. Anything you want to submit is welcome! For example, repurposing of old furniture, mural designs, flipping rooms, turning trash into treasure… Really, anything and everything is welcome to be reviewed.

Here’s how to submit: Continue reading “Submit your Before & After Pics”

Miss Ideas #13 – Arregla tu maquillaje roto | How To Fix Broken Makeup

Miss_Ideas_arregla_tu_maquillaje_roto_title_cardHi everyone! We’re back with Miss Ideas season #2 on Yahoo!! I’m so so so happy to share more tips with you! To start off this season we want to show you how to fix your broken lipstick and compact with some very simple steps. Did you know you could do this? I didn’t. I don’t even own a compact powder (well, now I do because I got to keep the one I fixed on this shoot). Score! Anyhow, just watch and learn! Oh and as a Bonus, I added a little blooper video at the bottom of the page. This is how I would have probably reacted if my makeup broke and I didn’t know how to fix it! So mad! (We have so much fun on set). Hope you enjoy this video made with love for all of you!

Hola a todos!! Empezamos con la segunda temporada de Miss Ideas en Yahoo! Me alegra muchísimo poder compartir mas ideas con ustedes. Para comenzar, te enseñamos como puedes arreglar tu lápiz labial y polvo compacto si se han roto. ¿Saben que se pueden arreglar? Yo no lo sabía. Ni siquiera tengo un polvo compacto en mi cartera (bueno, hasta que me regalaron el que arreglé en este video jaja!). Vean el video y verán el truquito. Como un bono, estoy incluyendo un videito de un “blooper” de este episodio. Creo que asi es como normalmente reaccionaría si se me rompe el maquillaje y no se como arreglarlo. ¡Jaja! A la verdad que gozamos muchísimo en estas grabaciones. ¡Espero que lo disfruten!

Thanks for reading! To receive my blog posts directly in your inbox click on Follow Zania.net on the column to the right.
¡Gracias por leer mi blog! Para recibir mis posts en tu inbox directamente solo hazle click al botón que dice Follow Zania.net en la columna de la derecha.


Mighty Thrifty Bowl


Bonjour! I have to tell you about a recent and wonderful find at a thrift store! I had been looking for a small bowl for a while and the ones I liked were expensive (nothing new). I also didn’t want an average bowl. I wanted something of really good quality that wouldn’t make a hole in my pocket. Well, as I perused through the piled goods at a nearby Goodwill store, this pretty, dotted bowl caught my eye. I could tell it was of good quality because the glass was heavy and pristine. The dotted embellishments were also so cute. I had to have it! So, i bought it for a mere $5.

Months later, something fantastic happened. As I was reading the July/August 2013 issue of House Beautiful magazine, I turn to page 22 and BAM! a picture of my thrift store bowl shows up! I said, “Whaaat?” to myself and proceeded to read the caption; Pressed glass in classic design from 1964, reissued by Finland’s iconic littala factory. Two-quart Dewdrop Bowl in Blue, Green, and Clear, 8″ DIA. $65. huset-shop.com.bowl_2_zania

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I grabbed the bowl from my kitchen cabinet and carefully inspected it. “I think it’s the same exact one!” So it retails for $65 and I got it for $5. So cool! Needless to say, it might actually be the same one or it might be a replica, but in my mind that was a Mighty Thrifty find!

What have you found at thrift shops? Show me! I’ve also found many other things that are way more expensive elsewhere. You never know what you could find a thrift shop!

Happy thrifting!


Follow me on Instagram @zaniamusic. I love sharing my life in pictures!


Anunciando la segunda temporada de Miss Ideas | Announcing Miss Ideas Season Two


I’m happy to announce that the Miss Ideas series on Yahoo! En Español got renewed for another 7 episodes! Woo hoo! So exciting! We’ve already been recording the episodes and I am so excited for what’s to come. You will love the new projects we’re working on. Thanks again for all your support and please vote for you favorite episode of the first season on the poll below! You can also watch all of them HERE.

Me da muchísima alegría anunciar que la serie de Miss Ideas en Yahoo! En Español se renovó para una segunda temporada con 7 episodios nuevos!!! Woo hoo!!! Que emoción! Ya hemos grabado varios episodios y estoy segurísima que les van a encantar las ideas nuevas. Nuevamente, les doy las gracias por apoyarnos a diario y porfa voten por su episodio favorito abajo. Para ver todos lo episodios de Miss Ideas de la primera temporada vayan AQUI.

¿Cual es tu episodio favorito? Which is your favorite episode?

Thanks for reading! ¡Gracias por leer mi blog!



Checking In on Week 19

What_Am_I_Doing_Instagram_zaniaEvery once in a while it’s good to check in with yourself to see if your goals are in alignment with your efforts at work and in your life. Nineteen weeks ago I left my corporate job to embark on a much needed journey in search for significance in my career and these weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions and challenges (not surprisingly) that have helped me shape the life I want. I knew the transition to freelance & self-employment was going to be difficult but I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve loved this period in my life. That leap of faith hasn’t failed on me yet.

So far, I’ve been able to do everything I set myself to do including some ups and downs. Below I highlight my personal milestones:

  • Getting a talent agency that will actually call me for auditions and boy have they hooked me up! Check!
  • Got booked for my first TV commercial last week. Check!
  • Set out to write a blog and I’ve loved it! Now I’m writing from the heart, learning more about blogging and growing an audience. Check & Working on it! (Thx to you)
  • Participated in another blogger’s blog. You can view my entry about turning 30 HERE. I was crying while writing that entry. So happy I could share it with you.
  • Miss Ideas is going strong on Yahoo! En Español in Latin America and the US Hispanic market. GOOD NEWS: Miss Ideas got renewed for 7 more episodes! YAY! Check!
  • Spending more time with my husband. Check!
  • Working on posting more about my music projects and songs. Pending!
  • Styling the stage for my very own music video! Details soon!
  • I completed my Interior Decorator certification. Check!
  • Started the planning stage of a very awesome project in Puerto Rico for women. Details soon! So excited!
  • New pics for myself to go with my new marketing strategy (like the one seen on this site) By the talented Gaby Sanchez. Check!
  • And so much more!

Writing these down makes me feel so happy and accomplished. Work never felt so good! Needless to say, I do get what I call ‘freak my freak’ moments here and there just like the picture on this post (I found this on a friend’s wall in her office and I thought it was fitting for my situation). I think it’s very important to tell you that my life is not glamourous. It might look like it, but my hubby and I have had to cut back on a lot of spending to adjust to our change in financial situation. (Shout out to my hubs for his unconditional support. Love ya’) There’s a difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ and we are seriously practicing this nowadays. However, life could not be simpler and more rewarding. Finally, I feel like I’m working with a purpose. Gotta love that.

Have you checked in with yourself lately? Tell me about it! I’d love to hear how you are doing and what makes you thrive! Leave a reply to this post and let’s get the conversation going!

Remember to sign up to receive my posts via email by clicking on the “Follow Zania.net” button on the top right of the page. Also, vote for your favorite Miss Ideas episode right HERE.

Thank you so much for reading!

Miss Ideas Webisode #12 – Mantenimiento para tu auto | Maintenance for Your Car


Do you know how to change a car tire? Or how to check the oil? Well, no need to worry because Miss Ideas on Yahoo! En Español shows you how to do it with style. You’ll look like a pro and you won’t need to call any boys to help you out! Click on the image above to watch the video. With this episode we finish the first season of Miss Ideas. Hopefully we can do more soon. Please go HERE to vote for your favorite Miss Ideas video. I would love to know which one you like best! Thanks again for watching these videos and for all your support. This has been fantastic!! To receive my blog posts in your email inbox click in the +Follow button at the bottom of your screen. Thank you very much!

¿Sabes como cambiar la goma de tu carro? ¿O como chequear el aceite? Pues no te preocupes más porque Miss Ideas en Yahoo! En Español te enseña como darle mantenimiento a tu carro con estilo. Te verás como una “pro” y no tendrás que llamar a ningún chico para que te ayude. Haganle click a la imagen de arriba para ver el video. Con este episodio terminamos la primera temporada de Miss Ideas en Yahoo! En Español. Espero poder hacer más en un futuro cercano. Por favor vayan AQUI para que voten por su video favorito de Miss Ideas. ¡Me encantaría saber cual es! Mil gracias por todo el apoyo que me han brindado con ver estos episodios. Para recibir mis ‘posts’ directamente en tu inbox hazle click al botón +Follow en la parte baja de la pantalla del blog. ¡Muchisimas gracias!




How do YOU Define Success?

Hello beautiful readers!
For some time now, I’ve been very intrigued by the Huffington Post’s Third Metric initiative to transform the definition of Success. Not so many years ago, success was defined as Money + Power = Success! After a recession that made us reflect our true needs for survival and truth, the definition of success has taken a turn and is not completely seen as the result of Money + Power anymore. We are slowly but steadily shifting the meaning of success. Would you agree? Take a look at the infographic below for example:

Credit: HuffingtonPost.com Third Metric Infographic
Credit: HuffingtonPost.com Third Metric Infographic

Isn’t it interesting? I bet you hear lots of people say that achieving happiness is their ultimate definition of success. However, don’t you think that attempting to reach happiness is somewhat unattainable if you can’t be happy NOW?! If you want happiness in life, then you have to live happy everyday. Look around you and notice the things that give you joy. That’s where you find happiness! I look around and see success in my loving husband, my cute apartment, my morning green tea, the nice breeze and the fact that I am alive. I believe I’m already successful but I must keep working at being successful, at being happy, to remain happy. Just remember, we can only use the present moment to change or improve our future. Now a question for you: How do YOU define success?

Attached are a few links that I found interesting:

Hope you enjoyed this post. I certainly love digging deep into these life conundrums.

Thanks for reading!

Miss Ideas Webisode #11 – Como poner la mesa correctamente | How to Set the Table


Do you want to impress your date? Well, on this week’s episode of Miss Ideas on Yahoo en Español we show you how to properly set the table for any occasion. With a little elegance and style you can make any table look impressive and inviting. With a table looking this good, who cares if the main dish is delivery! I hope you enjoy the video! Send me pictures of your table settings! Just contact me through the “contact” tab and add a link to your pics. Thank you!

¿Quieres impresionar a tu pareja? En este episodio de Miss Ideas en Yahoo en Español te enseñamos como poner la mesa correctamente y con un toque de elegancia. Con una mesa tan linda y acojedora, que importa si la comida sabe bien o no?! :-) Espero que disfruten el video. Si tienes alguna foto de tu mesa puesta super linda enviamela! La quisiera ver y tal vez la pongo en el blog. Solo enviame un link bajo la pestaña de “contact”. Muchisimas gracias!!

Thank You! Gracias!
